Freakin’ Donkey-Butt Comment Spammers!!!

Okay, I try not to cuss in this blog, so you can replace “Freakin'” and “donkey-butt” with words of your choice.

One of the things you have to contend with when you put something on the internet and then open it up to comments from the public are spammers, or people who will only comment on your article in order to include a link back to their own website.  Most of the time, they don’t even read what you wrote.  These comments are usually easy to spot, but some bottom-feeders are trickier than others.  I was almost fooled by this guy…

Somehow i missed the point. Probably lost in translation 🙂 Anyway … nice blog to visit.
cheers, Tectonics!

I have A Bunch of Wordz set up to approve all comments, so I have to read them first, and I almost put this one through.  But then I looked at the post it was attached to — a very well written and easy to understand piece by guest blogger Lincoln Crisler about how to get published.  What’s there to get lost in translation?  Nothing.

So I decided to take part of the comment, put it in quotes, and google it.  Up came 28 pages of of the same exact comment, all obviously posted by the same person, but signed with different names.  The links all go back to various free lycos websites, none of which have anything on them (they all say “under construction”).  So I don’t even know why this scumbag is spamming everyone when he or she doesn’t even have a website.

Anyway, here’s the dirtbag’s IP address and email:



I couldn’t find their name from the IP address, or I would have posted it.  If you’re more savvy about researching that sort of stuff than I am, feel free to add a comment with the information. 

And please, feel free to email this person, as well.  (Although I would guess, based on all their different names and websites, they have a large number of email accounts.  So I’m not sure if they would read their email any more than they would read an actual webpage they were commenting on).

Gah!  I hate these people.  Anway…end of rant and lemons to lemonade and all of that.  Here are a few posts that this person spammed.  You will find some interesting reading here.